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Today’s press conference Children of Japan speech

Catherine Henderson

No Parental Child Abduction Class Action Press Conference September 2023


My name is Catherine Henderson. I am one of the plaintiffs in this class action in which we are suing the Japanese government for emotional pain and suffering due to the failure of the Japanese government to prevent the parental abduction of our children.



I have spent my entire teaching career, over 26 years, dedicated to children. I have worked with students of all ages in Japan for 20 of those years.



My children were taken without my knowledge or permission by their Japanese father in Tokyo four years and five months ago when I was teaching at school one day. I have suffered greatly since their abduction and I am certain that they have too. 



As a result of this, like many others I have become a highly motivated activist as I wish to prevent any other children and their parents from going through the same trauma that we have. We hope our actions can raise awareness, promote legislative change and also lead to the reunification of parents and children who have been separated due to parental child abduction. 



My fellow plaintiffs, the lawyers and I had argued that the Japanese Constitution has been violated by the parental abduction of our children and the flow-on effects from it. We further hoped that this class action might highlight problems in the current family law that could be used to inform the family law review currently taking place. We are disappointed with today's ruling and are looking forward to reading it in more detail and finding a path to appeal to the Supreme Court.



In the meantime, I'd like to talk about the fact that at the end of last month the Ministry of Justice released a draft outline of their proposals from the Family Law Review. 



My concerns are that the current draft isn't child centered; it does not put children first or define the best interests of the child. This is a problem because, based on my own experience, unless the legislation is very clear the Japanese Family Court, its judges, child investigating officers and mediators will not operate with children as the priority.



Today I will base my comments on the English child friendly version of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UN CRC), which is written from the perspective of the child. Since I am a teacher, I have also consulted teaching resources online on how to teach children about human rights when preparing this speech.

今日は、子どもの視点から書かれた国連子どもの権利条約(UN CRC)の子ども向け英語版に基づいてコメントします。私は教師なので、このスピーチを準備する際には、人権について子どもたちにどのように教えたらよいか、オンライン上の教材も参考にしました。


I'd like to address my remarks to the children of Japan who are both our precious gift and our future. It's estimated that there are currently three million children cut off from one of their parents as a result of separation or divorce. According to the Australian government, 82 Australian children are within this number.



Children of Japan


Children of Japan, you have the same human rights as those of all other people in the world. This has been decided by many countries and there is a well known document called the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Children of Japan、世界中のすべての人々と同じ人権があります。これは多くの国によって決定されており、世界人権宣言というよく知られた文書があります。


In addition, because you are children, in recognising your vulnerability, you have special human rights. Sometimes children feel like they can't speak freely and ask for what they need.



These rights are yours whether or not you ask for them or even if you aren't aware that you have them.



Both Australia and Japan have ratified the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. This means that both countries have promised other countries that they will protect and uphold these special 'rules' which are called articles. The Convention has been agreed to by almost every country in the world. I'm going to talk about some of these articles.



Children of Japan, your government is responsible for protecting your rights until you are 18. This is written in Article 1 and Article 4. These articles say that in laws, policies and procedures, the Government of Japan is responsible for protecting you and your rights until you are legally an adult. The Japanese government is not sufficiently protecting your rights and I'm going to go through the rights that I think are being violated in the rest of this speech.

Children of Japan、18歳になるまで政府が責任をもってその権利を守ります。これは第1条と第4条に書かれています。これらの条文には、法律、政策、手続きにおいて、日本政府はあなたが法的に成人になるまで、あなたとあなたの権利を保護する責任があると書かれています。日本政府はあなたの権利を十分に守っていません。このスピーチの残りの部分で、私が侵害されていると思う権利について説明します。


Children of Japan, the most relevant of these is Article 35, which states that your government should act to make sure that you are not kidnapped. This is the core of the class action that we started. Our children were kidnapped by their other parent. This is called parental child abduction and it is illegal in many countries around the world. We shouldn't need a United Nations Convention to tell us that it isn't in the best interests of children to be abducted by one of their parents and cut off from their other parent and their extended family. 

Children of Japan、その中で最も関連性があるのは第35条で、政府はあなたたちが誘拐されないように行動すべきだと述べています。これが、私たちが始めた集団訴訟の核心です。私たちの子どもたちは、もう一方の親によって誘拐されました。これは親による子の連れ去りと呼ばれ、世界中の多くの国で違法とされています。親の一方によって誘拐され、もう一方の親やその家族から切り離されることが、子どもにとって最善の利益でないことを、国連条約が教えてくれる必要はないはずです。


Because Japan is unable to abide by these three rules, or articles, there is a flow on effect resulting in the  violation of other human rights of both abducted children and their parents. 



Children of Japan, your government should support your parents to help you achieve your rights. This is Article 5. The government should be supporting both of your parents to protect you and your rights throughout your lives. At the moment, for some children in Japan, one of their parents is being hindered from helping them.

Children of Japan、あなた方の政府は、あなた方が権利を享受できるよう、両親を支援すべきです。これが第5条です。政府は、子どもたちの両親を支援し、子どもたちの権利を生涯にわたって守るべきです。現在、日本の子どもたちの中には、両親のどちらかが子どもたちを支援することを妨げられています。


Children of Japan, Article 18 says that both of your parents are responsible for bringing you up. Once again, for some children, one of their parents is being prevented from having active participation in their lives.

Children of Japan、18条で両親のどちらにも育てる責任があるとされています。もう一度繰り返しますが、両親のどちらかが自分の人生に積極的に参加することを妨げられている子どもたちがいます。

Children of Japan, you have the right to enjoy your culture, practice your religion and speak your language. This is Article 30. Some children who have a parent from a different part of Japan or even a different country are cut off from knowing about and experiencing this culture. Children of Japan、君たちには自国の文化を享受し、自国の宗教を実践し、自国の言語を話す権利があります。これが第30条です。親が日本の別の地域、あるいは別の国の出身である子どもたちの中には、この文化を知り、体験することから切り離されています。


Children of Japan, you have the right to live with your parents, unless that would be bad for you. This is Article 9 and it goes on to say that if they are separated, you have the right to have contact with both of them. 

Children of Japan、あなたにとって不都合でない限り、あなたには両親と一緒に暮らす権利があります。これは第9条で、両親が別居している場合、あなたは両親と接触する権利があると書かれています。


Children of Japan, Article 41 says these rights are just the minimum that you are entitled to.

Children of Japan、第41条では、これらの権利は、あなた方が享受することのできる最低限の権利に過ぎないと言っています。 


You might wonder why I am talking so much about rights and that is a fair question. Just what are these rights and where did this list of rights come from, you might ask.



Many countries believe that it is important to protect the basic rights of people everywhere. People from countries all around the world created and agreed on these rights and freedoms as the basic level of what being a human being means just for being alive. 



The United Nations was created after World War II and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was written and agreed to just a few years later. They are a set of 'rules' that make all people equal, and they are 'rules' that all people must follow to make sure society is fair.



As mentioned previously, the UNCRC was ratified by Australia in 1990 and Japan in 1994.



Children of Japan, your parents also have rights as human beings, and these are not being respected by the Japanese government. 

Children of Japan、あなた方の両親にも人間としての権利があり、それは日本政府によって尊重されていません。


They also have rights under the Japanese Constitution, including Article 13, the pursuit of happiness, Article 14, equality under the law and Article 24, equality of husband and wife.


We, the plaintiffs, have sued the government for failing to uphold our own rights as parents. We are unable to speak for you and your rights as children. I truly believe that whilst the government is reviewing the family law, it's time for the Government of Japan to stop the unnecessary pain and suffering caused by the current system and implement a children first family law system. 



Children of Japan, I think that the Convention on the Rights of the Child is an excellent document. In Australia we use it as the foundation of our family law. I believe that it could provide the Japanese authorities with an excellent road map for ensuring that the rights of children are reflected in its family law as Japan undergoes this family law review.

Children of Japan、子どもの権利条約は素晴らしい文書だと思います。オーストラリアでは、この条約を家族法の基礎としています。この条約は、日本が家族法の見直しを行う際に、子どもの権利を家族法に反映させるための優れたロードマップを日本当局に提供することができると思います。


Children of Japan, I encourage you to stand up for your rights and the rights of your friends. I ask you to help fight the injustice against parents, children and other family members whose rights have been violated by the current family law system in Japan. You deserve a better society and you can help make change.

Children of Japan、あなたがたは、自分の権利と友だちの権利のために立ち上がることを勧めます。現在の日本の家族法制度によって権利が侵害されている親や子ども、その他の家族に対する不公正と闘う手助けをしてください。皆さんはより良い社会を手に入れる資格があり、変化を起こす手助けをすることができるのです。


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