It’s a start, but… スタートは切れたが...
The Japanese government finally passed laws to bring in the option of joint custody last week. This has been a long time in the making. Until now Japan has only had the option of sole custody. This has meant that in Japan one parent loses all legal rights and often access to their children after divorce.
This is the position I find myself in now after my ex-husband was awarded sole custody of our two children. Not only have I lost all rights to have a say in their upbringing, I have no visitation access to them. I don't know if my children are healthy, what schools and colleges they attend, or what interests they have. I don't know if they are addicted to their phones or out playing sports. It has been more than five years since I have been with them.
Australia has the concept of parental responsibility. This means that both parents have responsibility for their children regardless of whether they are unmarried, married or divorced. In very rare cases, where there is a risk to the child, a parent loses parental responsibility.
Up until now, in Japan, the majority of children lose all contact with their non-residential parent post divorce. Those who are awarded some visitation rights by the courts are usually restricted to meeting a few hours twice a month. This is nothing like the significant and substantial contact that Australian family law aims for. Many parents in Japan are subjected to supervised visitation for no reason other than the parent with custody insists on it. At any moment, even these visits could be taken away and the non custodial parent is left with no recourse.
Of course, it is good news that joint custody in divorce cases will now be an option in Japan. However, the changes are not as substantive as the headlines might suggest. Unfortunately, Japan has decided to bring in joint custody as a choice only, not as the default as it is in Australia.
もちろん、離婚の際の共同親権が日本でも選択できるようになることは朗報です。 しかし、この変更は見出しから想像されるほど本質的なものではありません。 残念ながら、日本は共同親権をオーストラリアのようにデフォルトではなく、あくまで選択肢として導入することを決定しました。
This may not initially seem to be a problem. However, in my own experience and that of the many parents I have spoken to, the Japanese Family Court judges are very conservative and are unwilling to make decisions that are against deeply ingrained cultural norms. I suspect that they will only support joint custody if both parents agree. I don’t see them assigning joint custody if one of the parents disagrees. This means that for the majority of divorce cases, where there is a conflict in relation to custody, nothing will change.
Shockingly, a common, perfectly legal tactic used to gain sole custody involves one of the parents abducting their own children from the family home. The parent currently living with the children during the custody proceedings is routinely given sole custody by the courts, under the law.
This was the case in my own family. My ex-husband took our children from the family home whilst I was at work as a teacher. As he was then living with the children he was awarded sole custody and there was nothing I could do or say during the court process to change this predetermined outcome. Unfortunately, the new laws do not deal with this practice and I suspect that parental abductions will continue to occur as sole custody will remain a likely outcome in this situation.
The new laws will only come into effect in two years time. The laws will then be reviewed after five years. This means that it’s another seven years before any other necessary amendments to the law will even be considered.
You might wonder why Japan has brought in this law if it is unlikely to result in substantial change. I believe it was due to the mounting pressure both at home and abroad, including from Australia, to bring Japan’s family law in line with the rest of the world by introducing the option of joint custody.
As for my own case, the new laws will have no impact even though they will apply retrospectively. By the time they come into effect, my youngest child will be close to being an adult so it would be difficult for me to reopen the custody case. I hope that some of the dozens of Australian parents who have lost contact with their children, will be able to gain some access through the new laws but it will be a long wait for them.
In the meantime, my parental rights have been taken from me and I have lost the relationships with my children and five years of their lives. It will be very challenging for me to rebuild a relationship with my children as adults due to so many years of being apart and the damage of the custody dispute.
The Japanese family law system has many complex problems and the new laws barely touch the surface at dealing with this ongoing trauma that impacts families in this country.